Javier Gonel

Building an standalone druid hadoop indexer

Druid can do batch data ingestion using hadoop and start indexing jobs via command line so you wont need an overlord/middle manager/peon. You can run those jobs using any scheduler or even by hand when needed (Ex: rebuild from raw data backups). Some times the issue at hand is that druid and hadoop tend to not to be very good friends because they use some common libraries but in different versions.

Some Context

Where I work, we use Druid 0.9.2, 0.11.0 with a Cloudera Hadoop cluster where we schedule jobs using airflow. We chose the fat-jar option so we can treat the indexers as an app to deploy and then use configuration and task files to index different data.

The information in the druid official documentation about working with different versions of Hadoop put us on the right track. The issue was the loading order of the different dependencies druid needs. While io.druid.cli.Main seemed to work in the host launching the job, it wasn't working in the data nodes.

If you see the following errors, this post might help.

io.druid.java.util.common.ISE: Unknown module type[class io.druid.server.initialization.jetty.JettyServerModule]



java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "1469433667658" is malformed at "7658"
    at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeParserBucket.doParseMillis(DateTimeParserBucket.java:187)

Error: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory.requiresPropertyOrdering()

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId.fromString

1) A binding to javax.net.ssl.SSLContext was already configured
  at io.druid.server.emitter.HttpEmitterModule.configureSsl(HttpEmitterModule.java:70).
  at io.druid.server.emitter.HttpEmitterModule.configureSsl(HttpEmitterModule.java:70)

Building the fat jar

You will need a system with Oracle JDK 8 and maven. We're going to modify the following files:

Let's start downloading druid source code and opening the root pom.xml file:

  • Set <hadoop.compile.version> to the version of hadoop CDH needs but without cdh extensions. For CDH 5.10.2 it means 2.6.0 and not 2.6.0-cdh5.10.2 or 2.6.0-mr1-cdh5.10.1.
  • Set <guice.version> to the one CDH hadoop is using. 3.0 for CDH 5.10.2
  • While modifying the hadoop version there is a note about updating also TaskConfig.java here indexing-service/src/main/java/io/druid/indexing/common/config/

Go to the service/ directory and open its pom.xml. Add the extra extensions you need in your fat jar before the <!-- Test Dependencies --> line. For example:






Now it's time to configure the maven shade plugin in the previous pom.xml. I found problems with the latest version so let's downgrade it. Find this line <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId> and add this line under it to set the version: <version>2.4.3</version>

The second step in the pom.xml is to shade jackson and google.common. Find the </outputs> line and insert the following relocations for 0.9 and 0.10 only (see below for 0.11):


Druid 0.11

You only need one relocation in services/pom.xml:


I found an issue with SSL bindings and Guice comming from server/src/main/java/io/druid/server/emitter/ParametrizedUriEmitterModule.java. Delete the line containing HttpEmitterModule.configureSsl(binder); (Line 44)


Go back to the root directory of the druid source a and run: mvn -DskipTests -pl services -am clean install to build the fat-jar. After the build finishes you will find it in services/target/druid-services-0.??.?-selfcontained.jar.

Running an index job

You will need an .spec file as explained in batch ingestion and command line hadoop indexer.

You can still put some configuration in config files, but we decided to pass it through command line parameters. Let's see an example using s3 as deep storage.

java \
-Xmx512m \
-Duser.timezone=UTC \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \
-Ddruid.storage.type=s3 \
-Ddruid.s3.accessKey=KEY \
-Ddruid.storage.bucket=myBucket \
-cp "$(hadoop classpath):druid-service-0.11.0-selfcontained.jar" \
io.druid.cli.Main index hadoop --no-default-hadoop task.spec

That's all! We were quite focused on building a fat jar, although it might be easier for you to play with classpath preferences and use a normal druid build.

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